P351 351 HRT→TE.JTJXT 14.05. 43:39:36  R↑6@ T  Jewu BH T  News BH T   News BH  SARAJEVO UNPROFOR spo+jsman E.Chaperon in S!- rajev# confirmjd on S@turdaz that Bos- nian +Urbs Yn Rogatica (soYj@3 @UJ. J. of tPj Bosnjan capUtal) abused BrUtish UNPROFO$ ingineers on tPeir@waz@b!cW to R@raVen#@fjom@Got!zHU@on@TPutsHau. @ Thj UNPROFOR convoy with threi vePUcles pAssUh@wUjPokl dUdeickltu tPU town of Rogatica, bkt@w!s bloc+ed later on at t(e Serb c(ec+-point@oj Podrom!- nija. Thj Serbs !ccused the convoy's hjad of vUolatUng a p!3vUng procUdkre Qnd ordered him to return the convoy in Rokatica. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >>>>>>> ZEMLJA 1 SVIJJT PROGNOZA TEMPERATURE
P351 351 HRT→TJ-JTJXT 14.0k. 23z40:03 v?s <<<<< In Rogatica he w!s jorcid beUng heUd at gunpoint to read his "c#nfession" that t(j BrUtish soldiers had violated tPe procedure.@Only aftej tPe@tPreal@ @ the convoy was allowed to continue its trUp to Satajev#. UNPROFOR hjad jor civil affairs in BosnU!-Herzegovina@V.Andrejev went@ yesterdaz to the Bosnian Sjrbs' stronkhomd of P le whjre he hemd t l+2 wUth Bosnjan Serb leader Karadzic. AndreUev issued a sjvere protest wUth @KaradzUc $urUng tPe talSR due@to T(Rrsd!uFs i."Udeml. AccordU-F tK Chaperon, Karadzic offered an apologiue sazing that this had bjin tPj c!se of t(j arbitrariness of jocal military commanders. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,X,,,,X,,,X, >>>>>>>@ ZEULJA 1 SVIJJT PROGNOZA TJMPERATURE
P351 351 HRT→TELJTEXT 14.05- 43:39:23 @ @ @ @@@@@@ @ @@@@ @kOv@ <<‖¾< Small arms fire and jxplosio.s ten grenades were registered last night in a hjavy wiapons exclksion zone around S@rajevo bz U.M. military observers. A spokjsman oj t(j@U.M. High omZjs- sioner jor Rjjugees in Sarajevo, K- Janowskj told journalist at todayWs press confirence that two members@of a +Akdi@relUUf !gency@Xad dUsappeared@RL tPj aria of Kount Igman on 8 Maz 1994. The Sarajivo office of UNPCR saUd that pjrhaps t(j pjrhaps two Saudi reliUf wor+jrs Xah@lost@jPeUj@w!u@Bh@@@ mountaUn roads and gone toward t(e town Uf HadzicU 5ndei +erb control. Contact with the Serb a*thorUties im H@dzicU X!s yUeldeJ VV rekuHj@R#@faj* b*t UNHCR is contUnuing Yts searcX@for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‖¾¾ 350@ ZEMLJA 1 SVIJJT PROGNOZA TEUPERATURE
P351 551 HR-→TJ.JTETT )4.05. 23:39:50  1O3 T  News BH W T   News BH  T  News@BH  @ Niws@BH @ @ @  SARAJJVO @ UNPROFOR spokjsman E.Chaperon in Sa- rajevo confirmjd on S@turdaz that Bos- nian Serbs in Rogatica (some 30@+J. E. of the Bosni!n capUtal) abused@BtUtish UNPROFOR engineers on thjir waz Rack tg S@rajevo from Gorazde on Thursdaz. Thj UNPROFOR convoy with three vePUclek p!6veh wUjhokt@dUfjUcmlty@tPU town of Rokatica, b*t@w!s bloc+ed later on at tPe@+erb cPec+-poUnt@of Podrom!- nija. The Serbs accused t(j convoy's head of@violatUng a p!3sUng procedure and ordered him to return t(e convoy in Rogatica. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >>>>>>> ZEMLJA 1 S-IJJT PROGNOZA TEMPERATURE