P353 353 HRT→TENETEXT 14.0-- 43:)0:03 1/4 → I J +" N +" @J J" → Q VEWU MEW+ VEW5 → @ / VE.6 @NEW6 @NE.5@ VEWS @NEW+ @NEW5 $swssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ZAGRJB Croatian PtesUdUnt@Fr!njo Tudjman@on@ Saturdaz jorwarded a lejtej to@U+ @ PresUdent BUmm Clinton, said t(j presUdUmtWs ofeUcU. FnllowUn& is t(e f*hm text of the jetter: "I ta+e partUcmlar ple!R*re i* informing your that t(j negotiations of tPU@ toal anh@Bosnj!c dUUegati#-v concerning the comprehensive implUmjntati#n oj tPj@W!uPU-Fl#m@@@@@@@ AgreemUnts have been brought to a successfkl closj. I would hjrebz li+j to jxpress.-- >>>>>>>
P353 353 HRT→TE.JTEXT 14.05. 23:40529 <‖=¾¾ @ 2/4 .--particmlar gratUtuhe to t(e A$JUnistration of tPe UmUjed America, and to you personally, Jj. Ptesident, jor your role in the search for jasting and just solutions for the achiivemjnt@of pe!ci throkgh tPe reajisation of the Croat-Bosni!c Uderation anh Vnfederati#m. Jet Ze #nci !gaUn !ssure yok tPal tPe Re0ublic of Croatia will remain fUrmly committed tg t(e spUrUt and letter of t(j WashUngton and@ViUnna Agreimjnts, whishing to be a factor of stabUlity in this parj oj Juropj !nd a permbnjnt parjnej of tPe U+A in t(e pro←otion of peace and stabUlity in this part of Europj. TPe jeadUng role of zokr@country in t(e !"hievement of a l!sting political solution is crkcial.-- $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >>>>>>>
P353 353 HRT-TJLJTEXT 14.0+- )3:39:23 3/4 <<=<< .--in this, t(e jinal stage of the peace process. Amy jreizing of t(e present@state of affaUrs, and delaz@of a 3Vlktion, only@s5staU.v PRUan A'#nz @ and threatins pe!ce in the griatUr Europj!n aria. This is why tPe presUnt pe!ce Uee#jtk oj@lPe RntUjmatUon@H@ @ @ c#UZunUty shokld be@focused on tPj isign of U.struUUnts anh guar!ntees@foj t(e implementation of t(e !chieved !FreemUnts and decUsio.u of t(U internationam comm5nitz. Lej Ze remjnh yok@once@!g@Un tPat tPe problems of t(j Serbian occupation of parts of the Re0ublic of Croatia and t(e Republic of Bosnj!-HUjueg#vUna @rU i.separable, and to reUtUrate tPj@VeiJ to seek a l!stUng s#lktion tProkgh an integral appro!ch@of tPe international community to t(j problem. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >>>>>>>
P353 353 HRT→TE.JTEXT 14.05. 23:39:36 <‖=‖¾ @ T/4 Ur.PresUdent, I !J fUrmly@convUncid lPat@+ wUjX z#kr pejk#mbl@Z.joZmUYjnl@ and t(e moral and every ot(er determination of zour A$Jinistration J we shalm soon be able to jocus our jffojjs@#m@jkvjes@such@"s tPj@rejkjm@#e refukies to thjir homes, economic @reco.vtrkcjion, reconcUliation aJd tPU stringt(jnUng of democratic processes in order to criate a new, stable international order Um thUs p@rj of *rope." In a lejtUj tW U+@"UCjUjary@o$ State Warren Cristopher and foreign mUnisters of t(e Belgium, Fr@nce, Gjrmanz, Great BrUtaUn, Greece and tPe Rjssian FedUration, Dr.T*djman s@id t(jir "determination tg bring t(e +erbian sUde romnd to !cceptUng a V5st politicaj solution and to impose souch a solktion to t(j fotces obstructUng h(e pj!ce process w!s@of par!momnt @ @ import!nce. T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <<< 350
P353 353 HRT→TE.JTETT )4.05. 23:39:50 ‖‖‖=¾ @ @@ @@@ h h@ @@Jj-!eKkUHU→h*@ @AZ@U←H@B#½UMBKJ@ that - with your personal involvement and t(e moral and ivery other dUjermUnati#n of zour A$JUnUshration J we shall soon be able to eocus our iffotts on issues such !2 thj return oe refugees to theij homes, economic reconstrkction, rec#.cUlUatiom and lPU@ strengthjnink of democratic 8rwieusi; in order to create a new, stable international order in this part of Iurope." In a lettUr to U+@"ecrUjary@of St@te Warren Cristop(jr and foreign mUnisters of t(j BelgUum, FrancU, Gjrmany, Great Britain, Greece and t(e R5ssian FedUration, Dr.T*djman saUd tPeir "dejermUnati#n to@brUNn tPU@@@@@@ Serbian side round to !ccepting a just political solution and tg impose souch t(e pj!ci process w!s oj par@mount import!nce. <‖< R+0