P356 356 HRT→TJLETEXT 14.05. 43:39:37 2/4 → → W→ X VEW" J +" N +" → VEW5 NEW5 NEW5 → @ VE @NEW@N ." → J NEW5 @VEW+ @NE.5 $ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ZAGRJB "During the j!st jwo weeks nego- tUators@oj t(U@ #@ VnfejU.cU on Formjr Yugoslavia had sUveral dUlateral ZeetUngs wUth tPe Croatian goveromjnt as will as with thj Serd QutPorUtUes@from KmUn Un orTUj@to !gree the date, placi and subject-matters of t(e economic negotiations which 2(ould insue after t(e Zagreb cease-eire !greement@sUgnUJ@#m 29@Zatch,"@raUd@@ st tement issued todaz im Zakreb bz Ambavsador K.JUder, onj oj jhj CF Zedjalors. @ @@@@ @@@ *,,,,,,X,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,XX,, >>>>>>>(
P356 356 HRTmTE.ETEXT )4.05. 23:39:24 2/2 → W→ X N ." N &"@@N ."@ W→ WC NE+" @VEW" @N ." → R NE+S VE+5 VE+ NEWS NEW5 NEWS '→ <‖¾=¾ @ @ @ @ @@ Ambassador Eider said that a consUderable progress had bjin made b*t "a jinal agreemjnt@on tPj pl!ce of tPj negojiatio.v h!s@n#t@zUj@bUin @ achievjd". Talks wYll contUnue next week in ordUr that t(e negotiations wUll be hUld !2 soon !s possUble, !ccordUng tg thj s!me statement. T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‖=< 3+0)