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P357 357 HRT-TELJTJXT 14.0+- 43:39:24  2/2   W Q@ . ."@@ ."@@ ."@@@ Q VEW+ VEW5 NEW5 W→  VEW5 NEW5 @NEW5  V .5 NE.6@ NE.6@ R  Tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss <<<=< "All flightk@for Z!Freb !Rj0orj arU announced to thj aUr traffic control Rejvice@of tPe RU0ublUc oj@Ctoatia and t(jy are forbUdden to jntej CroatiaWs air space@wUthokt relevant permjssionb, 5nderlines todaz's statement of t(e @ toatian JUnUstry@of TrAVv0Vjj aJh Vmmunicatio.s. It@concludes that "mo aRrplane of that type janded on ZagrUd aUrport@on 4 Maz 19y)↑" @ @ T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,X,,,