P359 359 HRT←TELJTEXT 14.05. 23:39:50 1/2 W NEW X$ R #tPUr@dignjtarUes@oe@tPU@RjrsUA↑ @ @ @ BE.GRADE Moscow Patriarch AleksUje II with Otthodox C(urch arrived tgdaz in the "erbUan "apUtal@Vj@BUlgtahU@RJ@#rJUj@lK paz a several-daz visit to tPj Serb Otthodox@C(krch* reported Belgrade r dio on Saturdaz. +pon hUs arrUval at tPe Belgrade Qiuport the Russian P triarch said th t tPe Russian Purch dignUtarUes wokld do t(eUj best in tPe pe!cU procesv Qdding that he believed that all contentious issues should be solved at t(j negotiatUng table and not@on bat- tlefields, according tg Belgrade radio. >>>>>>>
P359 359 HRT→TJLJTETT )4.05. 23:39:24 @@ P */4 NJW ><<<=< P triarch Aleksije II serve% thj solemn lUturgz todaz in the TrUnity C(urch in t(j Bjlgrade sectUon of T!smaUdan on thj occasion of t(j 70th annUversary@of tPj RjuvUa↑ parUsh Um @@ Belgrade. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <<< 350