P360 360 HRT→-J.JTETT )4.05. 43:39:50 $■■¾¾* . P 1/4    NEWS  X R R   TPj tal+v concentratid@on a uolktU#m GEVEVA (al+s between Croatian Foreign Minister M.Granic, h@Rrman od t(e Herzeg-BosnUan 0tesUdU-cy@+.Uub!R, Bosnian Prime Kinister H-3UlaVdzic anh R→+- +tate +ecretary W-ChristopPer, were held todaz in t(j U.S. imb!ssz in GUnjva. @ @ @ @ @ @@ to tPe BosnU!-HejzeW#vUn@ brisUs, !c- cordUng to reports from t(e dUplomatic circles. U.S. State Secretary iv lu ted posUtively t(e federation agreUmemt bjtween Moslem-Bosniacs and Croats from B-H and hj stressed that it@would be Vece3uary to contUnRU@ne'otUatio.s which would Y.clkde BosnUan "Uj"s.  >>>>>>>
P360 360 HRT→TELJTJXT 14.0k- 43:39:24 <<====‖¾ 2/2 Thj contact group consistUng of dRplomatu jrom t(e U+A, Russia, Fr@nce anh Germanu@wokld be@jmg!ged YL tPe matter of Unclkhing Bosnian +erbs in lPU tal+v.@ XtUst#pPej@wAv@VkpUSUA½Zu@@ interesteh in a parj@of t(e Vienna akreemjnt refeuring to t(e terrUtorial dUvision bUtween t(e Federation and Bosnian Serbs. SUlaVdzic and@Z*b!R explaUmUd t( ( +8 p.c. of B-H territory for the Croat- JBosniac Federation in !ccorda.ce to t(j agreemUnts reflected t(j stati of tPj affaUrs on t(e ground bjeore t(e Serb aggression on B-H, on one hand, @nh Pj JUrrored tPe 0osUtion of tPe Croatu and Koslem-Bosniacs negotiators, on tPj ot(er h!nd. TPey@knderlUnjd tPat t(e inlernational coUZunUty sPoklh@bls# honour its wotd and principles thal t(e !FFressors canVVt be@rew!rdUd.  <<< 350